

Unit 4 Review

上一篇:Unit 3 Lesson 3 I Am Thirsty!
Unit 4 Review 复习
1 I can read: 我能读: run 跑步 dance 跳舞 park 公园 school 学校 red light 红灯 green light 绿灯 yellow light 黄灯   2 I can listen and say: 我能听和说: Can I go to play with Danny? 我能和丹尼一起玩吗? Have fun! 玩得开心点! These are traffic lights. 这些是交通灯。 It's a green light. Let's go! 绿灯了。走吧! Don't play on the street. 别在街上玩。 Can you see the bus? 你能看见公交吗? Yes, I can. 是的,我能。 What do you like to do? 你想做什么? I like to run. 我想跑步。   3 I can listen and circle: 我能听并画圈: I like to run. 我喜欢跑步。 We like to sing. 我们喜欢唱歌。 They like to play. 他们喜欢玩。 I like to ride a bike. 我喜欢骑自行车。   4 I can look and tick: 我能看和打勾: It's a red light. Go! 红灯了,走吧! It's a green light. Go! 绿灯了,走吧! Let's play on the street. 一起在街上玩吧。 Don't play on the street. 别在街上玩。 It's a yellow light. Run! 黄灯笼。跑! It's a yellow light. Wait! 黄灯了。等等!   5 I can read and match 我能读和匹配 They like to run. 他们喜欢跑步。 It's a yellow light. 黄灯了。 We like to walk. 我们喜欢走路。 It's a red light. 红灯了。 They like to play with a ball. 他们喜欢玩球。 It's a green light. 绿灯了。



