抱残守缺 | 抱残守缺 bàocán-shǒuquē [be conservative;be a sticker (traditionalist) for ancient ways and things] 守着残缺的东西不放。形容思想守旧,不知变革 见“ 抱残守闕 ”。 |
固步自封 | 固步自封 gùbù-zìfēng (1) [refuse to make progress;stand still and cease to move a step forward;be ultraconservative and selfsatisfied with old practices] 比喻安于现状,不求改善 大多数成年人固步自封 (2) 亦作“故步自封” 我们不能固步自封,夜郎自大,有了一点成绩就沾沾自喜 |
墨守成规 | 墨守成规 mòshǒu-chéngguī [stick to conventions] 比喻拘泥于成见而不善于机变 |
因循沿袭 | |
陈陈相因 | 陈陈相因 chénchén-xiāngyīn [follow a set routine;do sth in a conventional way] 仓中粮食逐年累加,久而不食,则变为陈粮。后以此比喻处理问题因袭旧法,毫无改进 |
革故鼎新 | 革故鼎新 gégù-dǐngxīn [discard the old ways of life in favor of the new] 革除旧弊,创立新制 夫以革故鼎新,大来小往,得丧而不形于色,进退而不失其正者,鲜矣。——唐· 张说《梁国公姚崇神道碑》 |
标新立异 | |
推陈出新 | 推陈出新 tuīchén-chūxīn [put forth new ideas;weed through the old to bring for the new] 新谷登场时,推去仓中陈米,换储新米。借指事物的除旧更新 见“ 推陈致新 ”。 |
因循守旧词典解释 (详细解释)
[lockstep;follow the beaten track old routine] 死守老一套,不图更新